
  • Unleash Your Inner Money Babe is a workbook designed to help you let go of your past programming and limiting beliefs around money, and unlock the mindset of abundance and wealth. The workbook is designed to be a fun, exciting, truth-bomb packed 21 day challenge with the goal of manifesting $1,000 by the end of the 21 days. Kathrin guides you how to do this step-by-step with her “money babe actions” that allow you to tap into your innate ability to manifest money.
  • This book is the most practical manifestation book you'll ever read. You'll get day-to-day actions, inspiration, kick-up-the-butt real talk and loving advice. There's no amount of money you could want that's too big or too small. Denise will teach you to cut through years of under-earning and chronic underserving, fly through your income goals, heal your money wounds and break through old self-beliefs.
  • The New Rules for Creating Success, Freedom, and Abundance on Your Terms

    Feeling burned out by your business? Sick of the 'hustle and grind' culture of your industry? There's a better way! Get over your perfectionism and embrace the flow of the Chillpreneur.

    Full of reassuring and practical advice, Chillpreneur challenges the old, boring assumptions of what it takes to create success in business, so you can create financial independence with ease and grace.

  • Align Your Energy to Create a Business You Actually Love!

    Part story and part guidebook on how to create more alignment in your business, Align + Attract will inspire you, motivate you, and help you attract clients and gain clarity about what you really want in your own business.
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