
  • YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS + THIS BOOK = YOUR FIRST SIX FIGURES Whether you already own an online business or are eager for your first sale, Your First Six Figures gives you the proven, step-by-step strategies you need to captivate your audience, create raving fans and maximize your impact.  
  • This book is the most practical manifestation book you'll ever read. You'll get day-to-day actions, inspiration, kick-up-the-butt real talk and loving advice. There's no amount of money you could want that's too big or too small. Denise will teach you to cut through years of under-earning and chronic underserving, fly through your income goals, heal your money wounds and break through old self-beliefs.
  • Unleash Your Inner Money Babe is a workbook designed to help you let go of your past programming and limiting beliefs around money, and unlock the mindset of abundance and wealth. The workbook is designed to be a fun, exciting, truth-bomb packed 21 day challenge with the goal of manifesting $1,000 by the end of the 21 days. Kathrin guides you how to do this step-by-step with her “money babe actions” that allow you to tap into your innate ability to manifest money.
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